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Serological, colostral and milk responses of cows vaccinated with a single dose of a combined vaccine against rotavirus, coronavirus and Escherichia coli F5 (K99)
Veterinary Record.
M. Francis,et al.
Lactogenic immunity following vaccination of cattle with bovine coronavirus
J. Kohara,et al.
Correlation between maternal serum antibodies and protection against bovine rotavirus diarrhea in calves.
The Journal of veterinary medical science.
T. Besser,et al.
Evaluation of 3 assays for failure of passive transfer in calves.
Journal of veterinary internal medicine.
B. Bhogal,et al.
A single-step isolation of K99 pili from B-44 strain of Escherichia coli.
Analytical biochemistry.
L. K. Nagy,et al.
Passive immunity in calf diarrhea: vaccination with K99 antigen of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and rotavirus
Infection and immunity.