Abstract Total atmospheric ozone measurements at Washington, D. C., for the period February 18, 1948, through March 9, 1950, are tabulated and described. The usual annual variation is found. The average amount of ozone observed for the 2 years is somewhat low for 39° N. latitude. Ozone departures from normal in relation to surface low and high pressure systems are analyzed. The distribution around Lows agrees quite well with most other analyses. Around Highs the distribution is poorly defined, and is considerably different from results at other geographical areas. Correlations of ozone with temperatures at the 500-mb. and 100-mb. levels are examined. The correlation coefficients vary regularly from month to month, and there is a suggestion that their highest absolute values occur in some spring and winter months, and that the lowest absolute values occur in summer and early autumn. Two possible explanations of this variation are discussed, namely, (1) the annual cycle of the variability of ozone and of te...