Multimedia Technology and Kid TV: A New Approach to Learning.

This paper provides a brief description of multimedia technology available in schools, details the "Multimedia Technology and Kid TV" project, reviews the project's preliminary findings, and discusses their implications. The project focuses on using technology to improve students' self-image, self-motivation, and decision-making skills. Seven sixth-grade students participated for 2 hours a week for 1 school year. Students were expected to produce products utilizing the following media: audiocassette and microphone; video camera and microphone; video animation; television studio equipment; audio and video mixers; and computer software packages including word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, and hypermedia. Thirty-two specific activities are outlined. At the end of the project students rated themselves as having completed a mean of 86 percent of the activities and the teacher rated students as having completed a mean of 91 percent of the activities. Students, parentz, and teachers had generally very positive evaluations of the projec*c. (DB) **************i******************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made fiom the original document. ***********************************************************************