Failure of Hyperketonemia to Alter Basal and Insulin-Mediated Glucose Metabolism in Man
The effect of physiologic elevations of plasma hydroxybutyrate induced by the infusion of sodium D,L-beta-hydroxybutyrate (15 mumol X kg-1 X min-1) on carbohydrate metabolism was examined with the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in nine healthy volunteers. Plasma insulin concentration was acutely raised and maintained at 126 +/- 6 microU/ml and plasma glucose was held constant at the fasting level by a variable glucose infusion. Glucose uptake of 6.53 +/- 0.80 mg X kg-1 X min-1 was unchanged by hyperketonemia when compared with an intraindividual control study using saline instead of beta-OH-butyrate infusion (6.26 +/- 0.59 mg X kg-1 X min-1). In studies, in which the degree of metabolic alkalosis accompanying butyrate infusion was mimicked by the continuous administration of bicarbonate, glucose uptake was also unaffected (6.25 +/- 0.45 mg X kg-1 X min-1). Furthermore, hyperketonemia had no effect on basal glucose production or the suppression of hepatic glucose production following hyperinsulinemia. It is concluded that moderate elevations in plasma beta-hydroxy-butyrate do not alter hepatic or peripheral glucose metabolism.