Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis

1. The Basics: Introduction and Thermodynamic Review Introduction to Chemical Reactions Classification and Types of Reactors Reactor Performance Measures Introduction to the Rate Function Transport Phenomena in Reactors The Basis of Thermodynamics Energy Changes in Systems Chemical Reaction Equilibrium Numerical Methods 2. Mole Balance in Ideal Reactors The General Mole Balance Equation The Perfectly Mixed Batch Reactor The Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) The Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Reaction Rate in Terms of Catalyst Mass Comparison of PFR and CSTR Performance Multiple Reactions Multiple Reactor Systems Further Thoughts on Defining Conversion Transient Reactor Operations 3. Chemical Kinetics The General Nature of Rate Functions Reaction Mechanism Theoretical Analysis of the Reaction Rate Rate Equations for Non-Elementary Reactions Rate Functions for Catalytic Reactions Mechanisms and Models Experimental Methods in Rate Data Collection and Analysis 4. Energy Balances in Ideal Reactors Influence of Temperature on Reactor Operation The General Energy Balance The Batch Reactor The Plug Flow Reactor Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 5. Non-ideal Reactor Analysis Causes of Non-ideal Reactor Behavior Residence Time and Mixing The Residence Time Distribution Function Residence Time Distribution in Ideal Reactors Modeling the Residence Time Distribution Mixing in Chemical Reactors