Corrigendum to "Self-Organized Societies: On the Sakoda Model of Social Interactions"
In the article titled “Self-Organized Societies: On the Sakoda Model of Social Interactions” [1], the Acknowledgments section should be corrected as follows. “ e authors thank Cyrille Piatecki for bringing Sakoda’s original reference to their attention and A. Valdivia who kindly o ers them computational power at the Universidad de Chile. ey thank also Professor Rainer Hegselmann for communicating them the slides of his keynote lecture to the European Social Simulation conference 2014 in Barcelona, in which he demonstrates that Schelling’s model is an instance of Sakoda’s more general model. is work is supported by Núcleo Milenio Modelos de Crisis NS130017 CONICYT (Chile) and Eric Goles and Sergio Rica also acknowledge the CONICYT Grant BASAL-CMM and the FONDECYT Grants 1140090 and 1130709, respectively. Pablo Medina acknowledges the support from Colciencias (Colombia) through their doctoral funding program.”
[1] Eric Goles Ch.,et al. Self-Organized Societies: On the Sakoda Model of Social Interactions , 2017, Complex..