Effects of danazol in the treatment of severe endometriosis.

Twenty patients, mostly with severe endometriosis and infertility, were treated with danazol 600 mg daily for six months. Clinical investigation and laboratory tests were done monthly. During treatment most clinical findings and symptoms of endometriosis disappeared within 2 to 3 months, but rectocervical induration and rectocervical pain decreased more slowly. During the 10 months follow-up after discontinuation of danazol, dysmenorrhoea recurred most commonly of all symptoms, but not to the same degree as before treatment and the patients were mainly satisfied. Gonadotrophin and prolactin levels did not alter significantly during treatment. Serum oestradiol and progesterone values were low during the danazol course. Testosterone values increased because of cross-reaction with danazol metabolites in the testosterone assay. Serum transaminase, creatinine, haemoglobin and blood platelet concentrations increased on average, but the changes were reversible. Three conceptions occurred during the period of study.