Gratings: Theory and Numeric Applications, Second Revisited Edition

The second Edition of the Book contains 13 chapters, written by an international team of specialist in electromagnetic theory, numerical methods for modelling of light diffraction by periodic structures having one-, two-, or three-dimensional periodicity, and aiming numerous applications in many classical domains like optical engineering, spectroscopy, and optical telecommunications, together with newly born fields such as photonics, plasmonics, photovoltaics, metamaterials studies, cloaking, negative refraction, and super-lensing. Each chapter presents in detail a specific theoretical method aiming to a direct numerical application by university and industrial researchers and engineers.In comparison with the First Edition, we have added two more chapters (ch.12 and ch.13), and revised four other chapters (ch.6, ch.7, ch.10, and ch.11)

[1]  T. Gaylord,et al.  Formulation for stable and efficient implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings , 1995 .

[2]  D. Kaklamani,et al.  Aspects of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) in computational electromagnetics , 2002 .

[3]  Jiro Yamakita,et al.  Analysis of dielectric lamellar gratings coated with anisotropic layers , 1990 .

[4]  Ross C. McPhedran,et al.  Crossed gratings: A theory and its applications , 1979 .

[5]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Use of Fourier series in the analysis of discontinuous periodic structures , 1996 .

[6]  Matti Lassas,et al.  Complex Riemannian metric and absorbing boundary conditions , 2001 .

[7]  Andreas Pomp The Integral Method for Coated Gratings: Computational Cost , 1991 .

[8]  D. Content,et al.  Multilayer resonant subwavelength gratings: effects of waveguide modes and real groove profiles. , 2006, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[9]  Sébastien Guenneau,et al.  Geometrical transformations and equivalent materials in computational electromagnetism , 2008 .

[10]  G. G. Stokes "J." , 1890, The New Yale Book of Quotations.

[11]  R. Shelby,et al.  Experimental Verification of a Negative Index of Refraction , 2001, Science.

[12]  Patrick Dular,et al.  A discrete sequence associated with mixed finite elements and its gauge condition for vector potentials , 1995 .

[13]  T. Broadbent Mathematics for the Physical Sciences , 1959, Nature.

[14]  Christopher G. Poulton,et al.  Asymptotic Models of Fields in Dilute and Densely Packed Composites , 2002 .

[15]  Gérard Tayeb,et al.  Combined fictitious-sources-scattering-matrix method. , 2004, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[16]  E. S. Palencia Non-Homogeneous Media and Vibration Theory , 1980 .

[17]  Zhiming Chen,et al.  An Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer Technique for Time-harmonic Scattering Problems , 2005, SIAM J. Numer. Anal..

[18]  Christophe Geuzaine,et al.  Modelling of electromagnetic waves in periodic media with finite elements , 2004 .

[19]  Daniel Maystre,et al.  Electromagnetic study of photonic band gaps , 1994 .


[21]  M. Abramowitz,et al.  Handbook of Mathematical Functions, with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables , 1966 .

[22]  S. Guenneau,et al.  Homogenization of 3D finite photonic crystals with heterogeneous permittivity and permeability , 2007 .

[23]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Note on the S-matrix propagation algorithm. , 2003, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[24]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Reformulation of the fourier modal method for surface-relief gratings made with anisotropic materials , 1998 .

[25]  Gérard Granet,et al.  Modal analysis of lamellar gratings using the moment method with subsectional basis and adaptive spatial resolution. , 2010, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[26]  G. Tayeb,et al.  Anomalous refractive properties of photonic crystals , 2000, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[27]  L. I. Goray Numerical analysis of the efficiency of multilayer-coated gratings using integral method , 2005 .

[28]  C. Guérin,et al.  A critical survey of approximate scattering wave theories from random rough surfaces , 2004 .

[29]  Yijun Feng,et al.  Electromagnetic cloaking by layered structure of homogeneous isotropic materials. , 2007, Optics express.

[30]  John William Strutt Scientific Papers: Note on the remarkable case of Diffraction Spectra described by Prof. Wood , 2009 .

[31]  M. Saillard,et al.  Rigorous solutions for electromagnetic scattering from rough surfaces , 2001 .

[32]  Lifeng Li Field singularities at lossless metal-dielectric arbitrary-angle edges and their ramifications to the numerical modeling of gratings. , 2012, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[33]  Leonid I. Goray Application of the rigorous method to x-ray and neutron beam scattering on rough surfaces , 2010 .

[34]  Ya Yan Lu,et al.  Boundary integral equation Neumann-to-Dirichlet map method for gratings in conical diffraction. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[35]  S. Guenneau,et al.  Artificial dispersion via high-order homogenization: magnetoelectric coupling and magnetism from dielectric layers , 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[36]  K. Oughstun,et al.  Electromagnetic theory of gratings , 1982, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.

[37]  J. Nédélec Mixed finite elements in ℝ3 , 1980 .

[38]  Ross C. McPhedran,et al.  Lossy Lamellar Gratings in the Quasistatic Limit , 1982 .


[40]  D. V. Evans,et al.  Embedded Rayleigh–Bloch surface waves along periodic rectangular arrays , 2005 .

[41]  Eng Leong Tan,et al.  Note on formulation of the enhanced scattering- (transmittance-) matrix approach. , 2002, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[42]  Neil Genzlinger A. and Q , 2006 .

[43]  J. R. Sambles,et al.  Optical response of bigratings , 1996 .

[44]  Sia Nemat-Nasser,et al.  Homogenization of periodic elastic composites and locally resonant sonic materials , 2011 .

[45]  D. V. Evans,et al.  Trapping and Near-Trapping by Arrays of Cylinders in Waves , 1999 .

[46]  Didier Felbacq,et al.  Homogenization of nonlocal wire metamaterial via a renormalization approach , 2010, 1003.6067.

[47]  Kirill Cherednichenko,et al.  On Full Two-Scale Expansion of the Solutions of Nonlinear Periodic Rapidly Oscillating Problems and Higher-Order Homogenised Variational Problems , 2004 .

[48]  Thomas de Quincey [C] , 2000, The Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1: Writings, 1799–1820.

[49]  Doina Cioranescu,et al.  Periodic unfolding and homogenization , 2002 .

[50]  Theodoros D. Tsiboukis,et al.  Multiparametric vector finite elements: a systematic approach to the construction of three-dimensional, higher order, tangential vector shape functions , 1996 .

[51]  Philippe Helluy,et al.  Intégration numérique d'ordre élevé de fonctions régulières ou singulières sur un intervalle , 1998 .


[53]  D. Whittaker,et al.  Scattering-matrix treatment of patterned multilayer photonic structures , 1999 .

[54]  P. Lalanne,et al.  Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave method for TM polarization and conical mountings , 1996, Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics.

[55]  Masaya Notomi,et al.  Theory of light propagation in strongly modulated photonic crystals: Refractionlike behavior in the vicinity of the photonic band gap , 2000 .

[56]  Andrey L. Piatnitski,et al.  Homogenization of the Schrödinger Equation and Effective Mass Theorems , 2005 .

[57]  B. M. Fulk MATH , 1992 .

[58]  D. L. Voronov,et al.  A 10,000 groove/mm multilayer coated grating for EUV spectroscopy. , 2011, Optics express.

[59]  R. Morf,et al.  Exponentially convergent and numerically efficient solution of Maxwell’s equations for lamellar gratings , 1995 .

[60]  Julius Kaplunov,et al.  High-frequency homogenization for checkerboard structures: defect modes, ultrarefraction, and all-angle negative refraction. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[61]  Ross C. McPhedran,et al.  The Dielectric Lamellar Diffraction Grating , 1981 .

[62]  R. McPhedran,et al.  The Finitely Conducting Lamellar Diffraction Grating , 1981 .

[63]  Evgeny Popov,et al.  Light Propagation in Periodic Media , 2002 .

[64]  J. Bremer On the Nyström discretization of integral equations on planar curves with corners , 2012 .

[65]  Weng Cho Chew,et al.  A 3D perfectly matched medium from modified maxwell's equations with stretched coordinates , 1994 .

[66]  N. I. Chkhalo,et al.  Determining angles of incidence and heights of quantum dot faces by analyzing X-ray diffuse and specular scattering , 2009 .

[67]  N. Bakhvalov,et al.  Homogenisation: Averaging Processes in Periodic Media , 1989 .

[68]  Alexander Movchan,et al.  Asymptotic Analysis of Fields in Multi-Structures , 1999 .

[69]  T. Gaylord,et al.  Rigorous three-dimensional coupled-wave diffraction analysis of single and cascaded anisotropic gratings , 1987 .

[70]  A. Bossavit Solving Maxwell equations in a closed cavity, and the question of 'spurious modes' , 1990 .

[71]  S. Guenneau,et al.  Leaky modes in twisted microstructured optical fibers , 2007 .

[72]  H. Lezec,et al.  Extraordinary optical transmission through sub-wavelength hole arrays , 1998, Nature.

[73]  V. Zhikov,et al.  On spectrum gaps of some divergent elliptic operators with periodic coefficients , 2005 .

[74]  J P Hugonin,et al.  Use of grating theories in integrated optics. , 2001, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[75]  W. Chew,et al.  Numerical simulation methods for rough surface scattering , 2001 .

[76]  Brian R. Mace,et al.  Sound radiation from fluid loaded orthogonally stiffened plates , 1981 .

[77]  Wolfgang Osten,et al.  Normal vector method for convergence improvement using the RCWA for crossed gratings. , 2007, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[78]  Gérard Granet,et al.  Reformulation of the lamellar grating problem through the concept of adaptive spatial resolution , 1999 .

[79]  Caroline Fossati,et al.  Finite element method as applied to the study of gratings embedded in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensors , 2009 .

[80]  A. Figotin,et al.  Localized electromagnetic waves in a layered periodic dielectric medium with a defect , 1998 .


[82]  Jeroen Kalkman,et al.  Surface plasmon polariton modified emission of erbium in a metallodielectric grating , 2003 .

[83]  Chiang C. Mei,et al.  Some Applications of the Homogenization Theory , 1996 .

[84]  L. Arnaud,et al.  Difraction et diffusion de la lumiere : modelisation tridimensionnelle et application a la metrologie de la microelectronique et aux techniques d'imagerie selective en milieu diffusant , 2008 .

[85]  Brahim Guizal,et al.  Efficient implementation of the coupled-wave method for metallic lamellar gratings in TM polarization , 1996 .

[86]  T. Gaylord,et al.  Rigorous coupled-wave analysis of planar-grating diffraction , 1981 .

[87]  Rainer Kress,et al.  A Nyström method for boundary integral equations in domains with corners , 1990 .

[88]  R. Wood,et al.  On a Remarkable Case of Uneven Distribution of Light in a Diffraction Grating Spectrum , 1902 .

[89]  J. K. Erwin,et al.  Dielectric tensor characterization for magneto-optical recording media. , 1992, Applied optics.

[90]  G. Allaire Homogenization and two-scale convergence , 1992 .

[91]  Gunther Schmidt,et al.  Integral equation methods from grating theory to photonics: an overview and new approaches for conical diffraction , 2011 .

[92]  V. Maz'ya,et al.  Asymptotic Theory of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Singularly Perturbed Domains: Volume I , 2000 .

[93]  T. Antonakakis,et al.  High-frequency asymptotics for microstructured thin elastic plates and platonics , 2012, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[94]  Jean-Luc Pelouard,et al.  Fast modal method for subwavelength gratings based on B-spline formulation. , 2010, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[95]  R. Petit,et al.  Replacement Of A Very Fine Grating By A Stratified Layer : Homogenization Techniques, And The Multiple-Scale Method , 1987, Optics & Photonics.

[96]  Gerhard Kristensson,et al.  Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations at Fixed Frequency , 2003, SIAM J. Appl. Math..

[97]  P. Ingelstrom,et al.  A new set of H(curl)-conforming hierarchical basis functions for tetrahedral meshes , 2006, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

[98]  Gérard Tayeb,et al.  Modelling of a single object embedded in a layered medium , 2007 .

[99]  Jonathan P. Dowling,et al.  Anomalous Index of Refraction in Photonic Bandgap Materials , 1994 .

[100]  D. V. Evans,et al.  On the existence of embedded surface waves along arrays of parallel plates , 2002 .

[101]  Gérard Tayeb,et al.  Theoretical study of photonic band gaps in woodpile crystals. , 2003, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[102]  Sébastien Guenneau,et al.  Causality and passivity properties of effective parameters of electromagnetic multilayered structures , 2013 .

[103]  Roman Antos,et al.  Fourier factorization with complex polarization bases in modeling optics of discontinuous bi-periodic structures. , 2009, Optics express.

[104]  R. Craster,et al.  Acoustic Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Imaging, Lensing and Cloaking , 2013 .

[105]  D. V. Evans,et al.  Penetration of flexural waves through a periodically constrained thin elastic plate in vacuo and floating on water , 2007 .

[106]  S. Guenneau,et al.  Revolution analysis of three-dimensional arbitrary cloaks. , 2009, Optics express.

[107]  Kofi Edee,et al.  Modal method based on subsectional Gegenbauer polynomial expansion for lamellar gratings. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[108]  Jean-Michel Combes,et al.  Band structure of absorptive photonic crystals , 2000 .

[109]  E. Popov,et al.  Staircase approximation validity for arbitrary-shaped gratings. , 2002, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

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[111]  John B. Pendry,et al.  Photonic band-gap effects and magnetic activity in dielectric composites , 2002 .

[112]  David R. Smith,et al.  Controlling Electromagnetic Fields , 2006, Science.

[113]  G. Tayeb,et al.  A metamaterial for directive emission. , 2002, Physical review letters.

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[115]  Gérard Granet,et al.  Analysis of diffraction by surface-relief crossed gratings with use of the Chandezon method: application to multilayer crossed gratings , 1998 .

[116]  Kai-Ming Ho,et al.  Analytic modal solution to light propagation through layer-by-layer metallic photonic crystals , 2003 .

[117]  T. Antonakakis,et al.  Asymptotics for metamaterials and photonic crystals , 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

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[121]  Gunther Schmidt,et al.  Boundary Integral Methods for Periodic Scattering Problems , 2010 .

[122]  Masanori Koshiba,et al.  Analysis of anisotropic dielectric grating diffraction using the finite-element method , 1996 .

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[126]  Sébastien Guenneau,et al.  Artificial Ferro-Magnetic Anisotropy: Homogenization of 3D Finite Photonic Crystals , 2003 .

[127]  L. Goray,et al.  Application of the boundary integral equation method to very small wavelength-to-period diffraction problems , 2010 .

[128]  J. C. Dainty,et al.  Theory of Wave Scattering from Random Rough Surfaces , 1991 .

[129]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Justification of matrix truncation in the modal methods of diffraction gratings , 1999 .

[130]  Haijun Wu,et al.  Adaptive finite-element method for diffraction gratings. , 2005, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[131]  D. Maystre,et al.  Photonic crystal diffraction gratings. , 2001, Optics express.

[132]  Gérard Tayeb,et al.  Solutions of Maxwell's equations in presence of lamellar gratings including infinitely conducting metal. , 2008, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[133]  Fernando Reitich,et al.  Numerical solution of diffraction problems: a method of variation of boundaries. III. Doubly periodic gratings , 1993 .

[134]  Sébastien Guenneau,et al.  On the use of PML for the computation of leaky modes , 2008 .

[135]  V. Zhikov,et al.  On an extension of the method of two-scale convergence and its applications , 2000 .

[136]  Matti Lassas,et al.  Analysis of the PML equations in general convex geometry , 2001, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.

[137]  Gérard Tayeb,et al.  On the Numerical Study of Deep Conducting Lamellar Diffraction Gratings , 1984 .

[138]  Ullrich Pietsch,et al.  High-Resolution X-Ray Scattering: From Thin Films to Lateral Nanostructures , 2004 .

[139]  Jean-Pierre Berenger,et al.  A perfectly matched layer for the absorption of electromagnetic waves , 1994 .

[140]  M. Birman,et al.  Homogenization of a multidimensional periodic elliptic operator in a neighborhood of the edge of an internal gap , 2006 .

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[142]  Leonid Goray,et al.  Nonlinear continuum growth model of multiscale reliefs as applied to rigorous analysis of multilayer short-wave scattering intensity. I. Gratings , 2013, Journal of applied crystallography.

[143]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Field singularities at lossless metal-dielectric right-angle edges and their ramifications to the numerical modeling of gratings. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

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[146]  Erik Anderson Development of near atomically perfect diffraction gratings for EUV and soft x-rays with very high efficiency and resolving power , 2013 .

[147]  Guy Bouchitté,et al.  Homogenization near resonances and artificial magnetism from dielectrics , 2004 .

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[156]  Evgueni Popov,et al.  Fast Fourier factorization method applied to modal analysis of slanted lamellar diffraction gratings in conical mountings , 2001 .

[157]  Ross C. McPhedran,et al.  Bloch–Floquet bending waves in perforated thin plates , 2007, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

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[160]  Gunther Schmidt,et al.  Analysis of two-dimensional photonic band gaps of any rod shape and conductivity using a conical-integral-equation method. , 2012, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

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[165]  S. Guenneau,et al.  Transfer matrix method for point sources radiating in classes of negative refractive index materials with 2n-fold antisymmetry , 2007 .

[166]  Jari Turunen,et al.  Eigenmode method for electromagnetic synthesis of diffractive elements with three-dimensional profiles , 1994 .

[167]  Andreas Rathsfeld,et al.  On a fast integral equation method for diffraction gratings , 2007 .

[168]  Didier Felbacq,et al.  Wave propagation in one-dimensional photonic crystals , 1998 .

[169]  G. Milton The Theory of Composites , 2002 .

[170]  Ya Yan Lu,et al.  Fourier-matching pseudospectral modal method for diffraction gratings. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

[171]  R. V. Craster,et al.  High-frequency homogenization for periodic media , 2010, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[172]  Guillaume Demésy,et al.  Solar energy trapping with modulated silicon nanowire photonic crystals , 2012 .

[173]  Lifeng Li,et al.  Oblique-coordinate-system-based Chandezon method for modeling one-dimensionally periodic, multilayer, inhomogeneous, anisotropic gratings , 1999 .

[174]  Sébastien Guenneau 'On the use of PML for the computation of leaky modes: an application to gradient index MOF' , 2007 .

[175]  Kirill Cherednichenko,et al.  Non-local homogenized limits for composite media with highly anisotropic periodic fibres , 2006, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics.

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[177]  Karlton Crabtree,et al.  Formulation of rigorous coupled-wave theory for gratings in bianisotropic media. , 2011, Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision.

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