[Congenital myasthenic syndromes: difficulties in the diagnosis, course and prognosis, and therapy--The French National Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Network experience].
A. Béhin | D. Hantaı̈ | T. Stojkovic | B. Eymard | P. Richard | P. Laforêt | E. Fournier | A. Béhin | Norma B. Romero | L. Servais | M. Fardeau | D. Hantaï | D. Sternberg | S. Nicole | Michel Fardeau | Pascale Richard | Tanya Stojkovic | Emmanuel Fournier | Laurent Servais | B. Eymard | Norma B. Romero | Sophie Nicole | Pascal Laforêt | D. Sternberg