Studies on human tRNA. I. The rapid, large scale isolation and partial fractionation of placenta and liver tRNA

A procedure for the large scale isolation of mammalian tRNA has been applied to the isolation of several grams of human liver, human placenta, rabbit liver and rat liver tRNA. This procedure entails an initial grinding of the tissue in phenol-sodium acetate at acidic pH, followed by DEAE cellulose chromatography. Procedures are also described for analysis of the purified tRNA on the basis of size, using controlled pore glass bean columns. In addition, the acceptor activity of isolated tRNAs has been determined using both the heterologous and homologous synthetases. The chromatographic profile of individual isoaccepting species using BD cellulose chromatography is shown and the 3' terminal nucleoside content was also determined. The methods described now make it feasible for large scale studies of mammalian tRNA enabling us to better understand the relationships between the structure of mammalian tRNA and its many diversified functions.