Reflective Teaching: An Introduction

CONTENTS SERIES PREFACE Introduction Examining the Social Conditions of Schooling Understanding and Examining Personal Beliefs about Teaching and Schooling About the Books in this Series Series Acknowledgments PREFACE Acknowledgements 1. UNDERSTANDING REFLECTIVE TEACHING An Initial Distinction: Reflective Teaching and Technical Teaching On Reflective Teaching The Bandwagon of Reflective Teaching 2. HISTORICAL ROOTS OF REFLECTIVE TEACHING Introduction Dewey's Contribution: What is Reflective Teaching? Openmindedness Responsibility Wholeheartedness Reflection and the Pressures of Teaching Schon: "Reflection-on-Action" and "Reflection-in-Action" Framing and Reframing Problems Criticisms of Schon's Conception Reflection: A Singular or Dialogical Activity Reflection as Contextual Summary 3. TEACHERS' PRACTICAL THEORIES Introduction Handal and Lauvas' Framework for Understanding the Source of Teachers' Practical Theories Personal Experience Transmitted Knowledge Values Summary 4. THE STUFF OF REFLECTION Introduction Teaching as emotional labor Thinking and Feeling Metaphors and Images in Teacher Enabling Reflection on Teaching Conclusion 5. REFLECTIVE TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL TRADITIONS Introduction Teachers, Traditions, and Teaching The Progressive Tradition The Conservative Tradition Core Knowledge - E. D. Hirsch Higher Learning The Social Justice Tradition The Spiritual-Contemplative Tradition Conclusion 6. SELF, STUDENT, AND CONTEXT IN REFLECTIVE TEACHING Introduction The Teaching Self Attending to Students The Context of Schooling The Social Conditions of Schooling Engaging Community and Difference One Last Vignette Concluding Thoughts... Appendix A References