Organising urban noise abatement
In Denmark road traffic noise is an integrated parameter in the planning and design of new housing areas and roads.But very little is done to reduce noise on the 28 % of all Danish dwellings exposed to more than 55 dB from road traffic.The aim of this paper is to present ideas and methods that can be used by municipal authorities to reduce road traffic noise.The background is studies of European and Danish experiences as well as discus-sions with planners form Danish municipalities and a questionnaire survey of the ideas of residents in three ur-ban areas.The effects of noise are presented as annoyance, impact on health and the effects on housing prises.Various guidelines and goals are discussed, and a zoning of urban areas in four groups in relation to noise with different limit values is suggested.A broad selection of technical and practical methods to reduce noise is presented.This includes noise abatement by the source divided in road/tyre interaction noise and traffic noise, abatement under propagation as well as noise reductions by the receivers both outdoors and inside the homes. In order to get a local noise abatement process started a broad selection of municipal initiatives are suggested.A key proposal is to establish a secretariat within the municipal administration, which across the administrative borders can take initiatives.It is suggested to give advice to the public on how house owners by themselves can reduce noise.Alternative ideas on how to finance noise abatement are suggested.