Herstellung und Montage der ITER Toroidalfeld-Modellspule
A toroidal field model coil (TFMC) was built within the ITER EDA phase (Engineering Design Activities) to acquire experience for all manufacturing steps to be applied in building the ITER TF coil. The design and the test structure are representative of the future ITER TF coils and are to demonstrate industrial feasibility. The TFMC was designed by the European ITER Home Team and manufactured by the AGAN consortium (Accel; GEC Alsthom, now Alstom; Ansaldo; Noell, now Babcock Noell Nuclear). The coil has been tested successfully at the Karlsruhe Research Center (FKZ) in Germany since the summer of 2001. After installation into the TOSKA vessel the 60 t superconducting model coil for the future ITER fusion test reactor established a world record for the current flow in superconducting magnets, operating at a temperature of -269 °C and reaching electric currents of up to 80,000 amps. This marks an important milestone in demonstrating the availability of magnet technology. The contribution describes the main steps in manufacturing the conductors, pancakes, and the winding stack, installation into the housing, and assembly at FZK.