How lambda repressor and lambda Cro distinguish between OR1 and OR3.

Although lambda repressor and lambda Cro bind to the same six operators on the phage chromosome, the fine specificities of the two proteins differ: repressor binds more tightly to OR1 than to OR3, and vice versa for Cro. In this paper, we change base pairs in the operators and amino acids in the proteins to analyze the basis for these preferences. We find that these preferences are determined by residues 5 and 6 of the recognition helices of the two proteins and by the amino-terminal arm, in the case of repressor. We also find that the most important base pairs in the operator which enable repressor and Cro to discriminate between OR1 and OR3 are position 3 (for Cro) and positions 5 and 8 (for repressor). These and previous results show how repressor and Cro recognize and distinguish between two related operator sequences.