Revisions of the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. and Other Selected Genera in the Cocos Alliance

v Acknowledgments vii Herbaria Cited ix Introduction 1 Systematic Considerations 3 Natural Distribution of Syagrus and Other Genera in Cocos Alliance 4 Relationships Within Cocos Alliance 9 Morphological Key to Units in Cocos Alliance 10 Morphological Key to Taxa in Syagrus Unit 11 The Genus Syagrus 14 Intergeneric Relationships 15 Taxonomic Treatment 17 Key to Species of Syagrus Based on Morphology 21 Description and Discussion of Species 27 Hybrids Involving Syagrus i 81 Doubtful or Uncertain Species 90 Excluded Species 96 Taxonomic Treatment of Other Genera in Cocos Alliance 98 Taxonomic Treatment of Genera in Syagrus Unit 98 Arecastrum 98 Arikuryroba 103 Barbosa 106 Chrysallidosperma . 108 Lytocaryum 109 Microcoelum Rhyticocos Taxonomic Treatment of Genera in Cocos and Jubaea Units Cocos Jubaea Jubaeopsis Hybrids Involving Genera in Syagrus Unit Besides Syagrus Excluded Species in Syagrus and Cocos Units Systematic Leaf Anatomy Studies Key to Species of Genus Syagrus Based on Leaf Anatomy Key to Syagrus Unit (Except Syagrus) Based on Leaf Anatomy Key to Other Selected Genera in Cocos Alliance Based on Leaf Anatomy Literature Cited Figures Flower Plates Leaf Anatomy Plates Maps Index 110 116