This paper provides a survey of the dissertation of the rst named author 6]. The thesis deals with recurrence sequences fu n g 1 n=0 of complex numbers satisfying (1) a k (n)u n+k + a k?1 (n)u n+k?1 This kind of sequences plays an important role in analysis (the theory of orthogonal poly-nomials) and in combinatorics. Important applications in number theory can be found in Ap ery's proof of the irrationality of (3) = P 1 n=1 n ?3 and in other derivations of ir-rationality measures (cf. G.V. Chudnovsky 5] p. 344.) In most applications k = 2 and the coeecients a 2 ; a 1 ; a 0 are polynomials. We shall deal with the asymptotic behaviour of sequences fu n g as n ! 1; in particular the existence of lim n!1 u n+1 =u n : At the end we shall give some applications, one of which concerns the solution of a problem posed by Perron. It will appear that there are obvious similarities with the theory of linear diieren-tial equations, but also notable diierences. The second author thanks several participants of the conference for their helpful comments.
R. J. Kooman.
Convergence properties of recurrence sequences
G. Chudnovsky.
On the Method of Thue-Siegel: Dedicated to the Memory of Carl Ludwig Siegel
O. Perron,et al.
Über einen Satz des Herrn Poincaré.
F. Beukers.
A Note on the Irrationality of ζ(2) and ζ(3)
P. Nevai,et al.
Orthogonal Polynomials and Measures with Finitely Many Point Masses
P. Nevai,et al.
Sublinear perturbations of the differential equation y(n) = 0 and of the analogous difference equation
C. Brezinski,et al.
Accélération de la convergence en analyse numérique
Attila Máté,et al.
Asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials defined by a recurrence relation
Paul Nevai,et al.
Distribution of zeros of orthogonal polynomials