Numerical Solution to Rarefaction or Shock Wave/Duct Area-Change Interaction

Conclusion It may be said that vt(rj) prescribed by Eq. (5) gives the best correlation with measurement for k and further substantiates the claim of So and Hwang1 that the solution [Eqs. (3-7)] represents the best solution for self-preserving, turbulent round jets. Furthermore, Eqs. (3-7) also represent the solutions for incompressible heated round jets. If the turbulent Prandtl number Prt is assumed to be constant, then Eq. (3) with the exponent r/2&i2 replaced by ri2Pr(Vn2 becomes the solution of the temperature equation. Since Eqs. (1) and (2) are equally applicable for incompressible heated round jets, Eqs. (8-11) also represent solutions for such flows. Therefore, the present results are just as valid for nonisothermal round jets.