철도차량용 화장실 위생설비 개선에 관한 연구
Korea Railroad Corporation has applied to the restroom sanitation can greatly be classified as retractable, circulating, vacuum, saemaul passenger has a retractable carriages, carriages, the mugunghwa vacuum, high-speed vehicles and ITX- saemaul circulation has been applied vacuum diet expression. And how to create a vacuum equations vacuum to collect dust in the dirt collection tank, circulation expression group and a structure for reusing wastewater is used, retractable to use fresh water is but little structure is simple and broken sewage collection tank and the toilet seat is the phenomenon that the odor reverse flow in relation to which is connected in series has been generated. The early introduction of the first generation of high-speed vehicles are the lingering odor of sewage and waste water circulating structure using pneumatic valves, many complaints are caused by the recent bad smell. Therefore, this study proposes a plan to ensure high-Jean parts for vacuum generation formula to a minimum and Jean inhalation of dust by vacuum merits of formal and ejection through research and development.