On the polarizabilities of centrosymmetric molecules: naphthalene as an example

Abstract The features of the Stark effect of centrosymmetric molecules in a static homogeneous electric field are discussed. Laser Stark spectroscopy has been performed on naphthalene molecules in a collimated, seeded supersonic beam. The Stark splitting and shifts of several rotational lines in the 8 1 0 band of the electronic 1 Bu 3u ← 1 A g transition could be measured in a static homogeneous electric field ranging up to 300 kV/cm. This is the first experimental determination of electronic excited-state static polarizabilities on a free polyatomic molecule. The polarizability anisotropies of the 1 B 3u excited state of naphthalene are P ′ aa − P ′ aa = 10.2 A 3 , P ′ bb − P ′ cc = 6.6 A 3 , and of the 1 A g ground state, P ″ aa − P ″ bb = 6.5 A 3 , P ″ bb − P ″ cc = 7.6 A 3 . In this experiment, only the difference of the average polarizability between these states can be determined, and was found to be Δ P = P ′ − P ″ = 1.6 A 3 .

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