Performance Characteristics of an Axial Compressor at Fouled Conditions Performance of a single stage axial PREDICTIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION OF INDUSTRIAL GAS TURBINES DUE TO COMPRESSOR FOULING

Compressor fouling is one of the causes of performance deterioration of industrial gas turbines [1]. Airborne particles such as dust and moisture in the ambient air enter through the intake of the gas turbine and adhere on compressor blades. Attached particles on compressor blades increases surface roughness and reduce air flow passage between blades. Those phenomena bring to the reduction of air flow rate, decrease of pressure ratio and compressor efficiency. In spite of the possible removal of foulants by the on/off-line washings, some parts of them can not be eliminated and influence on the long-term performance degradation of gas turbines [2]. Therefore, it is very important to develop a methodology to reasonably predict and/or estimate the influence of compressor fouling on the performance deterioration during the operation of gas turbines. However, because of the relatively long-term time scale (i.e., approximately, 1,000~2,000 hours) of the fouling phenomena [3] and its dependence on local ambient conditions of the specific location of installed gas turbines, it is very difficult to accurately predict the influence of the compressor fouling on the gas turbine performance deterioration. Aker and Saravanamuttoo [4] and Seddigh and Saravanamuttor [5] proposed a linear progression fouling model that can predict the performance degradation of a gas turbine with the presumed stage deterioration of the compressor. Massardo [6] and Tarabrin et al [7] developed similar methodologies to their own applications. Millsaps et al [8] also developed a model for the prediction of the influence of compressor fouling on the gas turbine performance. In the present study, deviations of performance characteristics of an axial compressor are analytically predicted and their results are implemented to the performance analysis of an industrial gas turbine.