Real Time DC Motor Speed Control using PIDController in LabVIEW

The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is the most common form of feedback used in the control systems. It can be used for various Industrial applications. One of the applications used here is to control the speed of the DC motor. Controlling the speed of a DC motors is very important as any small change can lead to instability of the closed loop system. The aim of this paper is to show how DC motor can be controlled by using a PID controller in LabVIEW. DC Motor will be interfaced with LabVIEW using an Arduino Uno board. Arduino Uno board plays the role of low cost data acquisition board. The speed of the DC motor will be set by creating a Graphic User Interface (GUI) for PID Controller in LabVIEW. LabVIEW will in turn pass this speed to the DC motor using a PWM pins on the Arduino Uno board. DC motor will move with the speed set by the user in LabVIEW. The speed of the dc motor will be sensed by using the tachometer. Tachometer is a sensor which measures the revolutions. From tachometer, the output is sent back to the PID Controller in LabVIEW via Arduino board. PID Controller compares the actual speed of the DC motor with the set speed. If its speed is not same, PID Controller will try to minimize the error and bring the motor to the set point value.