Extending the learning space: Dialogue and reflection in the virtual coffee shop

Discussion boards are often seen as an extension of thetraditional classroom however it is our contention that the truepotential of this medium for adult learners in a postgraduatesetting lies in extending the learni ng space in new and differentways. Adopting the concept of the virtual sphere as a 'thirdspace', one that is less formal than the established academicworld, enables us to see the discussion board not as a teachingtool but as an enabler, extending the learning space by allowingdialogue and reflection to take place beyond the physical time andspace constraints of the classroom walls. This is re-enforced byadopting the principles of emancipatory pedagogy and communicativeaction, which allows us to form a model for the use of onlinediscussion boards that removes the systemic distortions caused bythe steering media of academic regulation and pre-defined learningoutcomes and by moving beyond the limitations of constructivistpedagogies, leading to the creation of a learning space wheredialogue and reflective learning amongst a community of learners ispromoted.