녹색교통시스템 국제표준화 전략 연구

This study demonstrates a systematic approach to international standardization strategies for green transportation systems which provide a basis for national policies in traffic demand management compatible with the green growth paradigm. A definition of green transportation systems has been provided for one of the technical areas of International Organizations for Standardization (ISO) so that many standard items can be created worldwide. The technical areas for standardization in green transportation systems proposed in this study consist of new Working Groups (WG) including the interfaces for green transportation modes and for roadway infrastructure, and existing Working Groups in ISO/TC204, Intelligent Transport Systems they would liaise with. Typically, WG14 deal with roadway/vehicle warning and control system, WG16 with wide range communications, and WG17 with nomadic and portable devices. WG18 handles cooperative-ITS, which refers to the utilization of ITS communication networks between vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle to nomadic devices (V2N). A reference model for green transportation systems is also discussed as a potential area for standardization that would facilitate dynamic policies for reducing green house gas emissions in transportation, i.e. vehicle access control in CBD, road congestion pricing, car sharing, integrated public transit charging, etc. The legal and legislation issues concerning the implementation of green transport systems are also discussed in relation to several types of trial model projects being promoted by the public and private sectors. Trends of similar projects in the European Union, the United States, Japan, and Korea concerning technology development and international standards in green transport service markets have been surveyed, reviewed, and analyzed. Consequently, a strategic plan for proposing a Technical Committee (TC) or a Sub Committee (SC) dealing with green transportation systems to the technical management board (TMB) in ISO has been prepared in this study as an initial step. Service requirements for categorizing the Working Groups in TC or SC based on the communication technologies with respect to the ITS station (ITS-S) including vehicle ITS-S, roadway infrastructure ITS-S, personal ITS-S and the central ITS-S, have been outlined. The systematic approach to international standardization suggested in this study and creation of TC or SC in ISO are potential areas in which the Korean national body could lead in the near future.