A Study of Compression Properties of Paper Towels with KES-F System

In this study, we chose 12 commonly available paper towels from the local market. The compression properties of the paper towels were examined by Kawabata Evaluation System for Fabric (KES-F). Three compression properties namely: (i) compressional linearity (LC), (ii) compression energy (WC) and (iii) compressional resilience (RC) were examined. The experimental results revealed that the compression properties varied within the different paper towels. RC vlaue was used as the key property for discussing the compression properties of paper towels. When different compression properties were correlated and analysed, it was found that no relationship was noted within different compression properties. On the other hand, there was not significant statistically relationship between weight and thickness to RC. It is hope that the results from this study can help the indurstry to improve the compression properties of paper towels for local market.