Dificuldade de aprendizagem da escrita num grupo de crianças do ensino fundamental

The learning is an important aspect in the life of the human, however, the studies has evidenced some occured difficulties during the schooling process. Considering that the writing is the bind of language most requested by the school and is a basic and important issue for the school assessment, this study aimed to search differences among the children in relation with age, gender and the juridical nature of the school. 287 second-third-grade children of both genders, aged from 7 to 10 years and attending at public and private elementary schools in Sao Paulo were studied. A identification questionnaire and the Escala de Avaliacao de Dificuldades na Aprendizagem da Escrita -ADAPE-, were collectively administered in one session in their own classroom. Significant differences were found analyzing the ADAPE total scoring with age, gender and the juridical nature of the school.