Annotated bibliography of safety-related events at boiling-water nuclear power plants as reported in 1977

The bibliography contains 100-word abstracts of reports submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission concerning operational events that occurred at boiling-water reactor nuclear power plants in 1977. The 1222 abstracts included in the bibliography describe incidents, failures, and design or construction deficiencies that were experienced at the facilities. They are arranged alphabetically by reactor name and then chronologically for each reactor. Keyword and permuted-title indexes are provided to facilitate location of the abstracts of interest, and tables that summarize the information contained in the bibliography are also provided. The information listed in the tables includes instrument failures, equipment failures, system failures, causes of failures, deficiencies noted, and the time of occurrence (i.e., during refueling, operation, testing, or construction). Three of the more interesting events that occurred during the year are reviewed in detail.