Design of shuttle radar topography mapper (SRTM)

A radar interferometric topography mapper designed to acquire digital elevation maps of the earth's surface from the Space Shuttle is described and its performance estimated. The system described is capable of acquiring a topographic map of all of the earth between 54 degree(s)S and 60 degree(s)N latitude to a height accuracy of 16 meters absolute. This planned mission will be the first use of radar interferometry to acquire topographic data on a global scale, the data of which will have significant impact of many applications. The system uses the previously flown SIR- C C-Band synthetic aperture radar system augmented by a second interferometric antenna deployed 60 meters from the Shuttle. The operation of the system, which requires the simultaneous use of dual polarization radars operating with horizontal and vertical polarizations with electronic beam scanning, is described. Performance parameters which drive the vertical height accuracy of this system and the implementation of solutions necessary to meet the performance objectives are described.