A three-band hand-held radiometer for field use.

A self-contained, hand-held radiometer designed for field use has been constructed and tested. The 4.5-kilogram device, consisting of a strap-supported electronics module and a hand-held probe containing three sensors, is powered by flashlight and transistor radio batteries, uses two silicon and one lead sulfide detector, has three liquid-crystal displays, features sample-and-hold radiometric sampling, and is spectrally configured to Landsat-D's thematic mapper bands TM3 (0.63 to 0.69 micrometer), TM4 (0.76 to 0.90 micrometer), and TM5 (1.55 to 1.75 micrometers). The device was designed to collect ground-truth data for the thematic mapper and to facilitate ground-based, remote-sensing studies of natural materials in situ. Prototype instruments were extensively tested under laboratory and field conditions, with satisfactory results.