An Active Learning Polynomial Chaos Kriging metamodel for reliability assessment of marine structures

Abstract Metamodel combined with simulation type reliability method is an effective way to determine the probability of failure ( P f ) of complex structural systems and reduce the burden of computational models. However, some existing challenges in structural reliability analysis are minimizing the number of calls to the numerical model and reducing the computational time. Most research work considers adaptive methods based on ordinary Kriging with a single point enrichment of the experimental design (ED). This paper presents an active learning reliability method using a hybrid metamodel with multiple point enrichment of ED for structural reliability analysis. The hybrid method (termed as APCKKm-MCS) takes advantage of the global prediction and local interpolation capability of Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) and Kriging, respectively. The U learning function drives active learning in this approach, while K-means clustering is proposed for multiple point enrichment purposes. Two benchmark functions and two practical marine structural cases validate the performance and efficiency of the method. The results confirm that the APCKKm-MCS approach is efficient and reduces the computational time for reliability analysis of complex structures with nonlinearity, high dimension input random variables, or implicit limit state function.

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