Demonstration of the Human Labyrinth and its Related Structures in Perspex
Mr. Graham Brown thought that the association with exostosis of inflammation of the external a iditory canal was a very real thing. A great number of people who went swimming got otitis extema, and he thought that the association of inflammation of the canal, the effect of wax, and of the water, together with infection, created a very favourable condition for irritation and inflammation of the bony meatus. This wasseen particularly. in tropical and subtropical regions where a great propoi-tion of the population commonly bathed. In his view the great wtiological factor in the formation of exostosis was the inflammatory condition produced by water in the ear, whether fresh or salt, which in turn led to a periostitis and deposit of bone.
[1] O. Gray. A New Method of Demonstrating the Labyrinth, together with Those Related Structures Which Lie within the Petrous Portion of the Temporal Bone , 1948, Journal of Laryngology and Otology.