This research aimed to (1) analyze the potential and condition to develop the natural science worksheet (2) describe the process of natural science worksheet development (3) produce natural science worksheet (4) analyze the effectiveness, (5) analize the efficiency (6) the attractiveness of using natural science worksheet.This research used research and development design, which was done at junior high school in Bandar Lampung. In collecting data, it used test and questionaire. The data was analyzed descriptively by using t-test. Conclusions of research were: (1) Junior High School in Bandar Lampung have potency to develop worksheet, (2) process of worksheet development is done through the theoretical and empirical study and, it was validated by material experts, media design and experts which is tested individually, small group, and large group, (3) it is produced natural sicence worksheet as a complement, (4) the worksheet with the average of effective workshet is 0,81 (5) the efficiency of the worksheet is 1,5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis potensi dan kondisi untuk pengembangan LKS IPA, (2) mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan LKS IPA, (3) menghasilkan LKS IPA, (4) menganalisis efektifitas, (5) menganalisis efisiensi, dan (6) kemenarikan pengunaan LKS IPA. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan, penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri di Bandar Lampung. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan angket, data dianalisis secara deskriptif serta uji-t. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah: (1) SMP Negeri di Bandar Lampung yang menerapkan kurikulum KTSP berpotensi untuk pengembangan LKS, (2) proses pengembangan LKS dilakukan melalui studi teoritik dan empiris, serta divalidasi oleh ahli materi, media, dan desain yang kemudian diuji secara perorangan, kelompok kecil, dan lapangan, (3) dihasilkan LKS IPA sebagai komplemen, (4) efektifitas LKS dengan rata-rata gain 0,81 (5) efisiensi LKS dengan nilai 1,5 Kata kunci : karakter , LKS, mata pelajaran IPA