Using a Common Information Model as a Methodological Basis for a Tool-supported Requirements Management Process

The growing complexity of systems and the continuing pressure on reductions in development time and cost can only be tackled if an effective and tool-supported requirement management process is established. In our view, requirements management is not just part of requirements engineering. Instead, in principle, it is part of all phases of the entire system life-cycle, ranging from market analysis and top-level customer requirements to system maintenance, final shutdown, and removal. In this paper, we report on some methodological experiences gained from introducing a tool-supported requirements management process at DaimlerChrysler Aerospace Airbus. First, we will describe our view of the main process steps in requirements management and the typical roles that people play in a tool-supported requirements management process. Then, we will introduce the basic parts of a common requirements management information model and discuss how a general common information model helps to support the main process steps in requirements management.