Structure of the Network for TAOBAO

With the advent of Electronic Commerce and its rapid development we witness more and more people pay attention to online shopping. TAOBAO provides the largest online shopping platform in Asia, gains more than 70% on-line shopping market share in china and C2C (consumer to consumer) market obtains 83 % global share of TAOBAO. The analysis of network topology between online shops in TAOBAO in this paper is observed in perspective of complex network, and we also adapt a notion of credibility--- a measurement TAOBAO evaluates the on-line shops, as weight to make deeper of it. It is observed that the distribution between the degree of the shops network and shop credibility follows power-law and so it offers an underlying application (mercantile) value for new shops development on TAOBAO. The outcomes of this paper not only renders managers of TAOBAO some references on about plan and management, but also in some sense help consumers to understand TAOBAO better.