An Improved GPS Receiver Anti-jammer Algorithm Based on Space-time Adaptive Processing

For the limited number of FIR filter taps, the frequency resolution and nulling of traditional space-time adaptive processor is poor. Traditional space-time adaptive processing algorithm can not suppress the Multiple narrowband jammer and the narrowband jammer which come from the same direction with the useful signal, because of part of useful signal is suppressed in the meantime. Meanwhile, as the amount of computation and storage capacity, the traditional space-time adaptive processing algorithm can not suppress fast varying jammer effectively. Focus on those problems, an improved GPS anti-jammer space-time adaptive processing method which combines multistage IIR notch filter with the power inversion algorithm based on multistage nested Wiener filter (MSNWF) is proposed. The narrow-band jammer can be suppressed by using IIR notch filter and the amount of computation and storage capacity of space-time adaptive processing algorithm can be reduced by using the MSNWF, then the processing speed can be increased. The narrow-band and broad-band jammer can be suppressed by using the new method in the fast changing scene. The new method is more conducive to the effective implementation of anti-jamming algorithm for actual system. The results of the computer simulation verity the efficiency of the proposed method.