SUMMARYThree GE90 turbine configurations have been analyzed using theaverage passage approach. Two of these are rig configurations wheredetailed data exists. The third is a lull turbine configuration for theGE90 at a takeoff configuration. This simulation is the first dual-spoolcooled turbine analyzed with a 3D multistage solver. Comparisonshave been made to the measurements, and good agreement has beendemonstrated. Multistage and component interaction effects have alsobeen presented which demonstrate why a calculation such as this isworthwhile. The parallel efficiency of the code is excellent and canlead to effective use of this code in the design environment.REFERENCESAdamczyk, J.J., Mulac, R.A., and Celestina, M.L., 1986, "A Model forClosing the inviscid Form of the Average-Passage Equation System,"Journal of Turbomachinery. Vol. 108, pp. 180-186.Adamczyk, J.J., 1999, "Aerodynamic Analysis of MultistageTurbomachinery Flows in Support of Aerodynamic Design," To bepublished at the 1999 ASME IGTI Conference.Chen, J.P.. Celestina, M.L. and Adamczyk. J.J.. 1994, "A NewProcedure for Simulating Unsteady Flows Through TurbomachineryBlade Passages," ASME Paper 94-GT-151.Dawes, W.N., 1990, "Towards Improved Throughflow Capability:The Use of 3D Viscous Flow Solvers in a Multistage Environment,"ASME Paper 90-GT- 18.Fritsch, G. and Giles, M.B., 1993, "An Asymptotic Analysis ofMixing Loss," ASME Paper 93-GT-345.Hunter, S.D., 1998. "Source Term Modeling of Endwall Cavity FlowEffects on Gaspath Aerodynamics in an Axial Flow Turbine", Ph.D.Thesis, University of Cincinnati, Department of AerospaceEngineering and Engineering Mechanics, November.Jameson. A. and Baker, T.J., 1984, "Multigrid Solutions of the EulerEquations for Aircraft Configurations," AIAA Paper 84-0093.Kirtley, K.R., Turner, M.G. and Saeidi, S., 1999, "An AveragePassage Closure Model for General Meshes," To be published at the1999 ASME IGT! Conference.Shabbir, A.. Celestina, M.L., Adamczyk, J.J., and Strazisar, A.J.,1997, "The Effect of Hub Leakage Flow on Two High Speed AxialFlow Compressor Rotors," ASME Paper 97-GT-346, June.Turner. M.G., 1996, "Multistage Turbine Simulations with Vortex-Blade Interaction," Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 118. pp. 643-653.Turner, M.G., and Jennions, I.K., 1993, "'An Investigation ofTurbulence Modelling in Transonic Fans Including a NovelImplementation of an Implicit k-e Turbulence Model," ASME J. ofTurbomachinery, Vol. 115. No. 2, April 1993, pp. 249-260.NASA/CR--1999-209311
Michael B. Giles,et al.
An Asymptotic Analysis of Mixing Loss
Mark L. Celestina,et al.
A New Procedure for Simulating Unsteady Flows Through Turbomachinery Blade Passages
Antony Jameson,et al.
Multigrid solution of the Eu-ler equations for aircraft configurations
William N. Dawes,et al.
Towards Improved Throughflow Capability: The Use of 3D Viscous Flow Solvers in a Multistage Environment
J. J. Adamczyk,et al.
The Effect of Hub Leakage Flow on Two High Speed Axial Flow Compressor Rotors
John J. Adamczyk,et al.
A Model for Closing the Inviscid Form of the Average-Passage Equation System
M. L. Celestina,et al.
A model for closing the inviscid form of the average−passage equation system