International labor standards : history, theory and policy options
Part I. Introduction: Kaushik Basu, Henrik Horn, Lisa Roman, Judith Shapiro. Part II: The Evolution of Labor Standards:. 1. The History and Political Economy of International Labor Standards: Stanley Engerman (Rochester University). Commentary 1.1 The Parallels Between the Past and the Present: Jane Humphries (All--Souls College, Oxford University). Commentary 1.2 Legislation Versus Bargaining Power: The Evolution of Scandinavian Labor Standards: Karl--Ove Moene and Michael Wallerstein (Oslo University). Part III: The Theory of International Labor Standards:. 2. The Impact of International Labor Standards. A Survey of Economic Theory: Nirvikar Singh (University of California, Santa Cruz). Commentary 2.1 Old Wine in New Bottles?: T.N. Srinivasan (Yale University). Commentary 2.2 Governing Labor Relations: Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics). Part IV: The Issue Of Child Labor:. 3. Child Labor: Theory, Evidence and Policy: Drusilla Brown (Tufts University), Alan Deardorff (Michigan University), and Robert Stern (Michigan University). Commentary 3.1 The Political Economy of Child Labor: Alan Krueger (Princeton University). Commentary 3.2 Social Norms, Coordination and Policy Issues in the Fight Against Child Labor: Luis--Felipe Lopez--Calva (El Colegio de Mexico). Part V: The International Organisation and Enforcement of Labor Standards:. 4. A Role For The WTO: Robert Staiger (University of Wisconsin). Commentary 4.1 Trade and Labor Standards. To Link or Not to Link?: Alan L Winters (University of Sussex). Commentary 4.2 The Need to Micro--Manage Regulatory Diversity: Petros Mavroidis (University of Neuchatel). Index.