"Prioritization Taxonomy and Logic for Network-Centric Operations" Collaborative Technologies for Network-Centric Operations

The effects of network-centric operations would be degraded if not for inherent human or machine sensemaking capabilities. Without knowing the situation or understanding the actors and their disposition and intent, deciding and executing the most appropriate response is a futile activity. Collecting data and creating track information to resolve the intent and disposition of disparate actors is only possible by having an integrated intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) network of humans and supporting systems. While ISR networks in the military context are becoming increasingly elaborate and more tightly ‘networked’ to perform their roles for a commander, so, too, must the underlying logic be developed to impart commander’s intent on the ISR network such that it functions with the agility needed to keep pace with the dynamic environment. Dynamic networks rely on a foundation of interoperability standards, among which should be a prioritization taxonomy that baselines priorities of actors in the situation and dynamically allocates the ISR resources accordingly to achieve the desired effects. This paper examines the required characteristics of a prioritization taxonomy and proposes a sample framework for implementation.