Design and Construction of Microcontroller- Based Telephone Exchange System

This paper demonstrates design and construction of microcontroller-based telephone exchange system and the aims of this paper is to study telecommunication, connection with PIC16F877A and DTMF MT8870D. In microcontroller system, PIC 16F877 microcontroller is used to control the call processing. Dial tone, busy tone and ring tone are provided during call progress. Instead of using ready made tone generator IC, oscillator based tone generator is used. The results of this telephone exchange system are perfect for homes and small businesses needing the extensions. It requires the phone operation control system, the analog interface circuit and the switching circuit. This exchange design will contain eight channels. It is the best low cost, good quality telephone exchange for today’s telecommunication needs. It offers the features available in much more expensive PBX units without using high-priced phones. It is for long distance telephone services. Keywords—Control software, DTMF receiver and decoder, hook sensing, microcontroller system, power supply, ring generator and oscillator based tone generator.