A Cluster-based Approach for Outlier Detection in Dynamic Data Streams (KORM: k-median OutlieR Miner)

Outlier detection in data streams has gained wide importance presently due to the increasing cases of fraud in various applications of data streams. The techniques for outlier detection have been divided into either statistics based, distance based, density based or deviation based. Till now, most of the work in the field of fraud detection was distance based but it is incompetent from computational point of view. In this paper we introduced a new clustering based approach, which divides the stream in chunks and clusters each chunk using kmedian into variable number of clusters. Instead of storing complete data stream chunk in memory, we replace it with the weighted medians found after mining a data stream chunk and pass that information along with the newly arrived data chunk to the next phase. The weighted medians found in each phase are tested for outlierness and after a given number of phases, it is either declared as a real outlier or an inlier. Our technique is theoretically better than the k-means as it does not fix the number of clusters to k rather gives a range to it and provides a more stable and better solution which runs in poly-logarithmic space.