Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration

Conceptual And Historical Perspectives Psychotherapy Integration: Setting the Context (John C. Norcross and Cory F. Newman) A History of Psychotherapy Integration (Marvin R. Goldfried and Cory F. Newman) Psychotherapy Outcome Research: Implications for Integrative and Eclectic Therapists (Michael J. Lambert) A Critical Examination of Belief Structures in Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy (Stanley B. Messer) Integrative And Eclectic Psychotherapy Models Eclectic Psychotherapy: A Common Factors Approach (Aol L. Garfield) Integration Through Fundamental Similarities and Useful Differences Among the Schools (Bernard D. Beitman) Multimodal Therapy: Technical Eclecticism with Minimal Integration (Arnold A. Lazarus) Systematic Eclectic Psychotherapy (Larry E. Beutler and Andrs J. Consoli) The Transtheoretical Approach (James O. Prochaska and Carlo C. DiClemente) Cyclical Psychodynamics and Integrative Psychodynamic Therapy (Paul L. Wachtel and Mary K. McKinney) Integrative Psychotherapies For Specific Disorders Integrative Psychotherapy of the Anxiety Disorders (Barry E. Wolfe) A Common Factors Therapy for Depression (Hal Arkowitz) Integrative Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Kelly Koerner and Marsha M. Linehan) Integrative Treatment Modalities Differential Therapeutics: Macro and Micro Levels of Treatment Planning (John F. Clarkin, Allen Frances, and Samuel Perry) Integrating Therapeutic Modalities (Larry B. Feldman and Sandra L. Powell) Integrating Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy (Bernard D. Beitman, Molly J. Hall, and Burns Woodward) Training And Research Directions Training in Psychotherapy Integration (John D.W. Andrews, John C. Norcross, and Richard P. Halgin) Core Issues and Future Directions in Psychotherapy Integration (Marvin R. Goldfried, Louis G. Castonguay, and Jeremy D. Safran).