Influence of Social and Environmental Responsibility in Energy Efficiency Management for Smart City

Sustainability is becoming one of the organizational plans of intelligent communities. They represent the critical approach to a prosperous future. In another direction, the smart city is aimed at tackling renewable energy challenges. This research explores energy conservation’s impact from a labour market viewpoint of the Efficient Smart Cities model. The study meets the study divide on developing the power manager career in cities environmentally urban paradigm. This research’s primary purpose is to establish a current detailed approach to certification bodies’ skills that focus on new technology. The proposed Social and environmental responsibility in energy efficiency management for the Smart City (SER-EEM) framework represents the convergence between the conceptual and functional methods. For the presentation of labour market scientific studies, qualitative data were shown. The conclusion is that conservation and cloud computing are the central components of the Sustainable Smart City model. Work market analysis divided energy executives into developing nation’s expertise in terms of quantity and composition of production, and matching criteria for qualification were identified. The power management’s capability model comprises many core categories related to particular expertise, social competencies and behavioural competencies. By incorporating this study of resource management skills in industrial and non-commercial companies such as educational institutions and training classes, current research results will lead to development and awareness.