Performance of 1 cm /spl times/ 1 cm /spl times/ 1 cm pixelated CdZnTe gamma detectors

We present results for 1 cm /spl times/ 1 cm /spl times/ 1 cm coarsely pixelated CdZnTe gamma detectors. Large pixelated CdZnTe detectors are important for spectroscopic and imaging applications requiring sensitivity for higher gamma energies. For each gamma interaction, we process signals from all pixels and from the common electrode, and employ correction techniques developed at Soreq for improving the energy resolution and the photopeak efficiency. For illumination with an un-collimated /sup 133/Ba source, we obtain a combined pad spectrum with energy resolution of 4.8% FWHM for the 81 keV peak, and 1.6% FWHM for the 356 keV peak. We discuss the importance of detector material with high electron (/spl mu//spl tau/)/sub e/ for thick pixelated detectors. The experimental results are compared to theoretical simulations. This comparison aids in understanding of large pixelated detectors and provides a tool for designing new pixelated detector configurations.