Complexity of Reals in Inner Models of Set Theory

The usual definition of the set of constructible reals is $\Sigma ^1_2$. This set can have a simpler definition if, for example, it is countable or if every real is constructible. H. Friedman asked if the set of constructible reals can be analytic or even Borel in a nontrivial way. A related problem was posed by K. Prikry: can there exist a nonconstructible perfect set of constructible reals? The main result of this paper is a negative answer to Friedman's question. In fact we prove that if $M$ is an inner model of set theory and the set of reals in $M$ is analytic then either all reals are in $M$ or else $\aleph _1^M$ is countable. We also extend this result to higher levels of the projective hierarchy under appropriate large cardinal assumptions. Concerning Prikry's problem we show that the answer is negative if "perfect" is replaced by "superperfect" but that it can be positive if "constructible" is replaced by "belonging to some inner model $M$".