Towards Secure Collaboration on the Semantic Web

Web technologies enable collaborative work to be done moreefficiently and effectively. A user can share resources with otherson the Web and perform his or her job based on a pre-defined policyfor collaboration. During the collaboration, the user may need tocreate new resources, merge, split, exchange, or update resourcescreated by other users. To support these services on the Web, weneed machine-understandable as well as machine-readable metadataabout the resources. The concept of a Semantic Web has beenintroduced to satisfy this requirement. Although the Semantic Webwill provide more accurate and efficient services on the Web, italso introduces new problems that were not considered before,especially, in regards to security, interoperability, andtransparency to users and organizations. In this paper, we discussthe requirements to support secure collaboration on the SemanticWeb. We mainly focus on identification and analysis of the securityproblems associated with the Semantic Web, while suggestingpossible solutions to each problem.