Computer Based Modeling For Engineers Using Excel And Vba

Many engineering curriculum around the country are re-evaluating their introductory computer programming requirement. At our university, several departments have been changing from the traditional Java or C++ course to something more applicable to their discipline. This paper will address the development of a joint course across Industrial and Textile Engineering. Students from both departments were not using their programming knowledge in remaining courses or when they graduated. Furthermore, the introductory Java (C++) class was being taught as a service course to masses of students at one time in our university’s theater. The students were not enthusiastic about the course and certainly not developing the computer modeling skills that we felt were necessary (i.e., given a problem can they develop a method for solving the problem). Therefore, we decided drop the introductory course and develop a new course in Excel and Visual Basic for Applications to better address the needs of our industry and faculty colleagues. This course was not intended to duplicate the traditional computer science method of presenting programming. Our goal was to educate students to model problems relevant to our disciplines, solve these problems using modeling tools, and then analyze these solutions through decision support (i.e., become “power users” and not programmers). This paper will address the critical development of a series of “InClassLabs” and their impact on student learning and our two curricula. Many of our homework and cases studies come from industrial sponsor data and represent real cases. The paper will discuss the fundamental issues that lead the two authors to develop this computer-intensive course. Of special interest is the classroom environment bolstered by the use of in-class teaching assistants and the use of Tablet PCs. Student evaluations are used to provide insight into the teaching strategies employed.