학교시설(學敎施設)의 복합화(複合化) 성향(性向)에 관한 연구(硏究)

As the core of community, schools should play not only for the educational facilities but also for the public facilities. With the mixture of those facilities, the people in the community are able to use these facilities conveniently. The students could also make the best use of the school with the well-established facilities for sport and cultural functions. With those consideration in mind, this study aims to identify the planning feature of mixed-use school. Firstly, the concept of mixed-use and the typology of the development are reviewed. The pre-condition for the design of the mixed-use school are also studied with consideration of the planning tendencies of mixed-use schools in four countries(UK, USA, Japan and Korea). Secondly, eight case schools are selected in Japan and Korea. We analyzed them in terms of following three aspects; 1) The major functions to combine with school design, 2) The spatial arrangement how different functions could be connected in horizontal and vertical order, 3) The circulation system with which students and different user are able to access separately to those function.