Shock tube measurements of specific reaction rates in the branched chain CH4-CO-O2 system

Rate constants of four elementary bimolecular reactions have been determined by monitoring the exponential growth of CO flame band emission behind incident shocks in four suitably chosen gas mixtures. Results are as follows: OH+H2→H2O+H, k1=2.1×1013 exp (−5.1 kcal/RT) cm3 mole−1 sec−1 (1100°–1600°K); H+O2→OH+O, k2=1.25×1014 exp(−16.3 kcal/RT) (1150°–1400°K); 0+H2→OH+H, k2=2.96×1013 exp (−9.8 kcal/RT) (1300°–1600°K); and OH+CO→CO2+H, k5=4.2×1011× exp(−1.0 kcal/RT) (1300°–1900°K). Less directly, by analysis of early, linear luminosity and times to 50 percent of peak light intensity, the rate of the initiation reaction, CO+O2→CO2+O is estimated to be k6=1.6×1013exp(−41 kcal/RT).