A display system for health risks from radiation visualized by CG technology

Defined as the ability to integrate with three-dimensional, interactive, computer-generated environments, the technology of computer graphics (CG) has proven to be a valuable tool for a broad variety of fields, including nuclear engineering. As the application of CG to nuclear engineering, this study proposed a display system in which the health risks from ionizing particles were visualized by CG. The user can see the risk information of the specified organs using the organ select panel in the input part as well as that of the whole body and radiation distribution. The system uses a server and client system and consists of three parts in the server, the simulation part, the visualization part and the database, and the input-output part in the client. The system is useful for a broad range of activities including radiation protection, radiation management, nondestructive assay, waste management, dose minimization, space exploration and medical imaging.