The Road Safety Monitor 2006: Aggressive Driving

The Road Safety Monitor (RSM) is an annual public opinion survey developed and conducted by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) to take the pulse of the nation on major highway safety issues. The survey looks at: (1) what highway safety issues Canadians see as priority and how concerned they are about them; (2) their views about how to deal with these problems; (3) what they know and don’t know about safe driving practices; and (4) how they behave on the highways. The RSM includes a core set of questions that are asked each year to provide information on trends in opinions, attitudes, and behaviours. This is supplemented each year by a set of questions that delve more deeply into special, topical, and emerging issues. This report describes the findings from the 2006 RSM regarding the issue of aggressive driving. Context is provided to discuss these results and compare them with the results of previous years.