Neural Networks for Template Matching: Application to Real-Time Classification of the Action Potentials of Real Neurons
Much experimental study of real neural networks relies on the proper classification of extracellulary sampled neural signals (i.e. action potentials) recorded from the brains of experimental animals. In most neurophysiology laboratories this classification task is simplified by limiting investigations to single, electrically well-isolated neurons recorded one at a time. However, for those interested in sampling the activities of many single neurons simultaneously, waveform classification becomes a serious concern. In this paper we describe and constrast three approaches to this problem each designed not only to recognize isolated neural events, but also to separately classify temporally overlapping events in real time. First we present two formulations of waveform classification using a neural network template matching approach. These two formulations are then compared to a simple template matching implementation. Analysis with real neural signals reveals that simple template matching is a better solution to this problem than either neural network approach.